Re: Those Ker-razy Romans (Was Re: Larnsti Brotherhood)

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 17:51:08 +0100 (BST)

> >>The difference is the level at which this occurs,
> in the current
> >>structure [1] the lowest commissioned rank is
> leiutenant in charge
> >>of roughly 30 soldiers.

> >>To regard centurions
> >>who commanded 80 to 120 soldiers as equivelent to
> sergeants is misleading.

Let me add another bit of confusion to the mix. The setup I imagine in the Lunar army is that the "nominal" numbers in each official size of group are just that - nominal. They can be, and frequently are, somewhat undermanned. So your centurion-equivalent *in theory* commands 100 men - in practice it may be more like 20. It'll depend on how in-favour his unit is, how many casualties they've taken recently, how soon they can get replacements, and whether anyone is sending messages home saying "no worries, we still have 100 men, please send wages for all of them".

> For a fictional rendition of the imperial Roman army
> at close to its apogee try 'The Iron Hand of Mars'
> by Lindsey Davies. Its about third or fourth in the
> 'Falco' series, but that's not a problem since
> they're all good.

Very true. A nice insight into living in ancient Rome, and all the practical details, too. If you like the sort of nitty gritty game where you wonder where the toilet is, these books tell you. And tell you how to make money out of it.

Jane Williams                 

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