RE: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:30:43 -0500

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>As far as I know Valind is the god of winter. Is there an animist
>tradition? Has anyone got one i

can use to 'plug & play'?

Well, given that he's a god, I don't think that Valind is applicable here - his theist cult no doubt covers winter, OTOH.

I've heard it said that worship of Kolat is the only sizeable tradition that the Orlanthi have (I'm assuming that by your comment that the character is Orlanthi? If not, I'm sure we can find something suitable amongst the peoples of the more northerly climes). What might work is to create a practice that worships winter spirits related to Kolat. Doesn't seem much of a stretch.


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