RE: Re: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:23:57 -0500

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>I wonder if the Praxians have a 'winter spirits animist practice/

Check this out:

A quote: "Although the Dark Eater is an enemy of most Praxians, he is an ally of the Storm Bull, and many nomads view him as one of their Protectors during this season. His holy day is a few days before Waha's, and it celebrates his return to Prax. Those few clans who do worship the Dark Eater regularly celebrate this day as a preliminary part of the Waha festival. Other spirits who are worshiped primarily in Winter include White Princess, Dew Maid, Good Shepherd, Pole Star, and the Redwood."

Sounds like a passel of spirits to work with here. I'm thinking that White Princess sounds good for this. Here's a quest for her:

According to this page, there's a place called White Cap, which is a holy site:

There's a "notable personality" on this page who knows her secrets:


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