Re: Jar-Eel's cult

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 13:49:55 -0400

On Sun, 2005-26-06 at 08:40 -0700, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:

> She is on the way to becoming her own cult, like Hon-Eeel did, but she
> hasn't apotheosized yet.

That's what I figured. (Does one normally apotheosize before or after death in Glorantha? It seems Sartar did it on his own time, but HonEel did it after dying. Is it really just a case-by-case basis?

> What or who she may be worshipping right now is pretty much unknown, I
> think. Which let's you make it up. It needn't be anything a normal person
> would worship - she *is* a superhero, after all. She may be getting
> "personal instruction" from an otherwise unknown or unreachable being.

And that's certainly a possible case. Greg has spoken on Natha, but I don't suppose there's any reason to suppose there isn't a subcult or two of that goddess. Or that like Kallyr, there is more than one initiation going on. (For me, Natha is actually the best solution in game, but YGWV.) LC

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