Re: Jar-Eel's cult

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 23:42:39 -0400

On Mon, 2005-27-06 at 12:01 -0700, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:

> Around W4-W5, you start forging ahead on your own - your religious
> affiliation doesn't define you as much as what you have done yourself. It's
> useful to have your old magics, but you've probably gotten better "stuff"
> (magic, mundane abilities, equipment, wierd followers, etc) heroquesting -
> Harrek's bearskin cloak, for example, is more important than whatever he
> worshipped as a kid in Cimmer... err, the Rathori lands.

That's interesting. So by the time the Goddess elevates you, what you are associated with is probably NOT the affinities of the god you started out with.

> The Lunars actually *encourage* people to become gods. Jar-Eel is the
> product of the Lunar version of genetic manipulation to get a person capable
> of becoming a goddess. Natha will understand, really.

Whoops, that was you, not Jane who mentioned this. :)


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