Re: potatoes and pizza

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2005 16:10:56 -0500

donald_at_... wrote:

> In message
> <20050702150332.LVCI23101.aamta10-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster>
> "Jane Williams" writes:
> >For some reason the GloranthanCookery list doesn't seem to have discussed
> >this yet. We're slipping. Or maybe it just wasn't weird enough for us?
> Given RW pizza toppings I can't believe the latter. Fried egg and
> anchovies anyone? Glorantha must be able to beat that.

When I was at college in Rome in 1979 (when I was running a very active RQ campaign for my schoolmates, most of whom had not even played D&D before), we could get pizza with potato at a chain of shops called Pizza Rustica. Wonder if they're still open?

Guy (Hoyle)

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