RE: potatoes and pizza

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 22:42:39 +0100

> >For some reason the GloranthanCookery list doesn't seem to
> have discussed
> >this yet. We're slipping. Or maybe it just wasn't weird
> enough for us?
> Given RW pizza toppings I can't believe the latter.

Have you visited that list recently?? :) We were hunting down genuine recipes for elephant so as to figure out how to best use a brontosaurus, last discussion. And yes, we were also sorting out how best to simulate this at a con.

> Fried egg and anchovies anyone?

Mmmm. Add spinach, and that's one of my favourites.

> Glorantha must be able to beat that.

Oh, probably. Let's see... Pizzas named after various Lunar cultures, while being unrecognisable to those cultures, seem to be a good way to start.

Someone mentioned Buserian earlier. The "Buserian" pizza does of course involve anchovies, used to divide the pizza into sections. It also has capers and olives sprinkled randomly over the remaining surface to look like stars. Well, I say randomly - any REAL Buserian worshipper insists that they should be positioned with great precision. Do not let them in the kitchen if you want your pizza this week.

The "Darjinni" pizza is normally served with a random fresh-water seafood topping. A real authentic one would have various interesting things from the swamp, some still wriggling, but your average punter can't face this.

Then there's the "Kalikos", served for dessert. It's a frozen icecream pizza, and you serve it by placing it in the middle of the table and hitting it with a hammer so that it smashes. I *hope* they use strawberries to get the colour, not tomatoes, and some sweet alternative to cheese, but you never know.

The "Five Seasons" pizza, with Donald's egg in the middle to represent Sacred Time.

The "Carmanian" is also divided, but only into two. One half white and one black. I'm still trying to imagine the ingredients that takes?

The "Rinliddi". Chicken and sliced hard-boiled egg. It's important to remove all the brightly coloured feathers from round the edge before eating.

The "Blue Moon" uses blue cheese. And mushrooms.

An intriguing hint on p38 of the ILH suggests that the "Hariij" pizza is probably the name for plain cheese & tomato? ("Additional native ability: ignore hunger").

At the other end of the scale, the "Seven Mothers" is the most expensive, having seven different ingredients in the topping.

Local variations, from places that haven't quite got the idea?

In Far Point, the anti-Lunar faction still like pizza, but refuse to use tomato sauce. They use sticklepick. They may or may not add anchovies - you'd never notice.

In Sun County, some of them try to keep up with Lunar fashions by serving pizza, but making the base from barley flour makes it heavy and rather unpleasant. If they'd keep to an ultra-thin crust, all might be well, but no, they try to do deep-pan and ignore the way it just won't rise.

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