Gloranthan Rarities & OOP items on EBay

From: Ian Thomson <pelgrane_at_...>
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 07:51:29 -0000

Hi Folks

This is it. I just moved house and don't want to properly unpack my old bits and pieces. So I've put everything on EBay at the lowest price worth selling them for. Various Out of Print and rare RuneQuest and HeroQuest items. EBay will find them with a search on the keyword 'Glorantha', and then when you've found one of mine (pelgrane555) take a look at seller's other items (most of which are Gloranthan related)

This will be my last splurge, as anything I don't sell this time I'm dropping in to the city game shop to see what they'll give me.

Some of the things finish selling in a couple of days.



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