Re: Goddess Glorantha

From: RSM <glass_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:11:22 -0000

There's a very Lunarized statue of Glorantha Herself "currently overlooking the Hall of Cosmic Unity" in Glamour, according to the great illustration of the Celestial Court article back in Wyrms Footnotes. The one where she seems to be sitting in a bathtub with clawed feet. If this is still valid, then Glorantha is currently recognized in the Empire, at least as a symbolic or allegorical figure.

I've suspected for awhile now that the Dara Happan "Glorantay" (the "collective entity" or many who act in harmony as though they were one) is not a linguistic accident and that "Glorantha" is something of a Pelorian Ginna Jar. Whenever the Celestial Court came together, there was Gloranta[y]. This unity was broken and killed. Thanks to the Red Goddess, we have a chance to experience it again.

If so, it goes back pretty far into Dara Happan mythology and may be native to that culture. Not sure if the Orlanthi recognize the name or whether the Malkioni use a similar word for the collective concept. Unlikely that anyone else does, but Glorantha is truest when she is surprising.

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