Re: Teelo Norri

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 21:54:16 +0100

Guy Hoyle:

>Yep. The reason is that the System and Otherworld are "Lunar", not
>> Theist/Godplane, Animist/Spirit World or Sorcerous/Essence Planes. Some
>> Lunar entities have only one type of magic, some have two, some have all
>> three. (We decided to use the familiar forms of magic, but re-combine them
>> like DNA strands, rather than make an entirely new magical system.)
>Wow, THAT sounds like a new twist. Waiting for people to start
>spluttering and fuming.

Actually, it's not all that different from how Lunar magic used to work in RuneQuest, if you think about it. The details are different, of course, but the basic concept that it has properties of various different magic systems mixed up together is the same. Besides, I can't imagine why all those people who didn't like the Three Worlds model would be fuming... this is exactly the kind of thing they said should exist somewhere in Glorantha, isn't it?

Gamer and Skeptic

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