Re: HQ still doesn't make much sense was RE: Eurmali

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:52:39 -0000

Not so. In Runequest tyhe basic human characters start witht he same characteristics and abilities. You then craft your character, but the story elements are not quantified. Thus you make all of the decisions depending on how you feel about them, not based on anything about your character sheet. Compare that to the HQ game, where you have a relationship to your clan of 17 but to your patron (tribal weaponthane) of 10M. You have a momentous conflict of interest, you have to make a choice; now the narrator may not require you roll, but the decision is coloured by the numbers. The different is subtle but powerful I feel.

Also I think that when we talk about HQ being a 'storytelling' system, what we mean is that all the intricacies are abstracted. Thus its actually a fairly simple sytem. I have played it when you don't have weapon/ kit augments and you can have only 1 augment. It flows quite quickly really and you don't tend to notice the difference that much.

Contrast the story telling system with the simulation system, like the Hero System for example. You have hit locations, told how much you can press, and have intricate bonus/ penalty tables for myriad weapons and types of attack and defence etc etc.

To be fair I don't think routine combat is one of HQ's strengths. We have fun with it sure, but we can go for weeks without a sword drawn. When we have a newbie character creation can be a little bit like giving birth because it is so different, but we hardly refer to the character sheets at all. But maybe thats just our style.


> find it frustrating.
> >
> > --
> > Donald Oddy
> >
> tony
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