Re: Movie-inspired characters (was: Bounty hunters.

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:58:47 -0000

Spot on Tony. Eurmal is different being the god of disorder he never plays by the rules. For an example of an example of trickster power and how he can be a force for good in their own inimitable way consult the scenario Chasing Kites in the HQ rule book.  

> "Storm Lord, watch out, that 13 year old Eurmali has
> been more powerful than you for years! He can turn
> your eyes to jelly."
> t.

yep, you got it, possible - but only if he thinks its funny! In our Whitewall campaign Kallyr Starbrows trickster was freed and during a Lunar Assault opened Tarkalors Gate and created an illusion that they were shut. Imagine the players suprise when hoplites started passing through the gates like they were made of smoke!! :^D


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