Re: Look of the Hero Plane?

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 11:30:27 -0700

parental_unit_2 wrote:
> In particular, do participants see one another as the roles they are
> playing, do they see the people playing the role, or both?

As I understand it, you see the roles people have taken on, not the actual quester. If I go on the "Yelmalio gets his ass kicked at the Hill of Gold" quest, Throg the troll berserker (also on the Hero Plane) sees Yelmalio, not me--and I see Zorak Zoran, not Throg. Indeed, I have no real way of knowing whether the other entities I encounter are "really" heroquesters or are "really" the actual gods--and I'm not sure that the question is even meaningful, on the Hero Plane.

> I've heard
> the term "identity challenge" used -- is this some kind of contest to
> separate a person from the role he/she is playing?

I think "identity challenges" are not used on the Hero Plane--rather, they're used in the mundane world, when you're fighting someone who has heroformed (taken on the aspect and powers of a hero, usually a minor-cult secret). The identity challenge amounts to saying, "No, sorry, you aren't *really* Hu the Sword--you're just Hrothmik the psychotic swordsman."

I don't think identity challenges are used in the Hero Plane, though I could be mistaken.

> So, for example, if Dorasa the female Yinkini goes on a heroquest to
> seduce Velhara, Lady of the Wild, what do Dorasa and the character
> playing Velhara see?

I think Dorasa sees Valhara, not any mortal hero who might be on the quest. And if a mortal hero happens to be enacting the Velhara side of the quest, that hero sees Yinkin, not Dorasa.

As I understand it, anyway.

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