Re: Improv. Feats.

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 08:40:48 -0000

> > > Not that they can improv *new* feats, of course.
> >
> > You know, I wonder about this. I suppose an initiate can learn a
> > feat, and then improv it, true?

YGWV, but this depends on the game. The rules say that only devotee's can improvise new feats off of their affinities. This specifically excludes initiates, and is a specific benefit designed for devotee's.

IMG if a player devotee devised a new feat, heroquested and cemented it then I would allow him to teach it to other player intiates of the same deity and subcult so that they added it to their list.

I think the specific reason here is that Devotee's give up 60% of their time and resources to exploring the nature of their deity and its magical highways and byways. This is what gives them the insight necessary to be able to develop new feats by discovering new insights, new myths and the spiritual conviction to be able to implement.


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