Improv. Feats.

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 08:38:24 +0100

> > Not that they can improv *new* feats, of course.
> You know, I wonder about this. I suppose an initiate can learn a new
> feat, and then improv it, true?

I think we're been round this before, and got very confused as a result, but let me try again.

>From the POV of the Gloranthan initiate, they can only "do" feats that they
have seen done by someone else in their culture. They can't say "ah, but I heard of a myth where Orlanth did X, so there must be a feat where Orlanth did X, so I'm going to do it". Or "Orlanth can do anything with the wind, so he can do this". They can only say "I saw my priest do a feat that had this effect, so I'll do the same as he did".

But, what does their priest know? The standard list of feats in the book - plus anything else *he* may have come up with! And as a *player/GM*, you can define that list of extras to be anything you like!

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