Re: Lunar common magic?

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 18:27:53 -0000

Mark, Roderick or Greg are best suited to answer these queries; not because I haven't a clue (or at least I hope not), but because as they are intimately involved with the project, they are best-suited to know what to fairly 'give away'. Hopefully this merely clarifies what has been said, and is not overly ingenuous.

> Can we assume that there is a Lunar variety of common magic, then?

Yep, there is common magic which is derived from the Moon, and is thus affected by its cycles (as Rory noted in his message). There is also common magic used by Lunars from other sources--'standard common magic', if you will.

> If Cloacus concentrates in Lunar magic, does that mean
> he can use common magic of Lunar origin, but not other kinds of
> magic? (And similarly, people who've concentrated in theism,
animism, or
> sorcery *cannot* use Lunar common magic of any variety?)

Excellent! Is Cloacus a fellow Lunarised durulz? A Rinliddi cloacamite? Anyway, sorry...

If Cloacus (as a wise and Illuminated durulz) concentrates his Lunar Magic (as he should), he will retain his Lunar common magic... but not (normally) keep his common magic from 'non-Lunar entities', no. Of course, additional rules often apply, like 'devotees' restricting their source of magic further, etc.

(... and yep, if you concentrate on another otherworld, you lose Lunar/cyclical common magic)

> Does this mean all those 7Moms common magics are off-limits to
> who've concentrated in any non-Lunar otherworld?

Er, that depends on whether 7Moms common magics are actually cyclical and Moon-derived, and the possible implication is that not all are. I'll let wiser heads pronounce on that one.



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