The Ernaldori clan

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 16:50:49 -0000

It has been an awful slow week on the digest, so I figured I'd post more Colymar background from the Seattle Farmer's Collective. Here are some notes on the Ernaldori clan of the Colymar (c. 1615) from some background material Wes Quadros and I have been working on:

The Ernaldori are one of the Five Old Clans of the Colymar
(Arnoring, Ernaldori, Konthasos, Orlmarthing and Zethnoring) and
were founded by Kagradus Colymarsson, the first king of the Colymar tribe. When the Colymar clan became the Colymar tribe and divided into the Five Clans, the tribe gave the "royal clan", led by Colymar's son, the lands around Clearwine temple and Brondagal fort. The members of Colymar's own bloodline formed the core of the clan. Because the goddess's temple was on their tula, the clan took the name Ernaldori.  

Basic Overview
The Sacred Clan" or "Kingmakers"
Chieftain: Skovari the Harst
Warband: 100
War Magic: Average
Food Magic: Very Strong
Fyrd: 300
Population: 1500 (700 at Clearwine Fort, 300 in three steads near fort, 500 in six steads in Nymie Vale).  

When Colymar's bloodline became extinct in the 1400s, the clan ceased to be "royal" (although Vingkot has remained a popular tribal cult amongst the Five Old Clans), but has remained important in large part because of three things the clan controls:  

  1. Brondagal or Clearwine Fort. The founder's stead of the Ernaldori clan (and main population center of the clan) is also the tribal seat of the Colymar tribe and location of most tribal ceremonies and cults. Originally a Vingkotling hill fort, Clearwine
    (or Brondagal fort as it is called it ritual and formal invocations)
    is extremely defensible. It is the residence of the Colymar tribal kings, the tribal moots, and the tribal Orlanth cult, as well as that of the Ernaldori clan.

Clearwine Fort has about 1000 residents (700 Ernaldori, 300 from other clans and foreigners). The town was burned in 1602 by Lunar soldiers but has been built again.  

2. Clearwine Earth Temple or Harevernalda. The Clearwine Earth Temple is a large temple to Ernalda and Flamal the Seed King (an Aldryami deity known to but not often worshipped by Orlanthi), and for the sublime purity of the wine produced from its magical vineyards. Some 700 hides of sacred cropland between the Nymie River and the Stream are dedicated to the support of the Colymar Earth Temple.

The Temple is the sacred temple of the goddess Harevernalda - the Daughter of the Vine (and a subcult of Esrola). The initiated call the Clearwine Earth Temple Harevernalda. Approximately a score of full-time tribal priestesses are at Harevernalda, led in ceremonies and rituals by Sorandessa the Holy, chief priestess of the Temple. Some 10,000+ Ernaldans in Sartar recognize the Temple as the Chief Temple of Ernalda.

The Sacred Fields between the Nymie and the Stream supports the Temple priestesses and their households. Harevernalda receives annual tribute from the Ernaldori clan and from the Colymar tribe. The Temple also receives gifts from those seeking the blessing of the goddess.  

3. The Nymie Vale farmlands. The Ernaldori possess some of the best farmlands in the Colymarlands - the conjunction of the Nymie Vale and the Streamvale. Barntar is a very popular god amongst the Ernaldori and the carls receive gifts and compensation from the tribe for supporting the tribal king's household. Being Hendreiki in background, the Ernaldori do not keep thralls - however many cottars from other clans help in the fields. The Ernaldori are considered the "second-best" farmers of the Colymar (the nearby Konthasos are considered the "best" farmers) - however, with the presence of the Clearwine Earth Temple, they are considered by all to be the "most blessed" farmers of the Colymar.  

The good farmlands have allowed the Ernaldori to support a large population (between 1800-2000) with little difficulty. With the Lunar tribute of Fazzur Wideread and the increasing raids from the Locaem tribe (who use the Stream as a road straight into the Nymie Vale), recent years have been uncustomarily difficult for the Ernadlori farmers.  

Clan Politics
The Ernaldori have long been intwined with the Colymar tribe - although there have been relatively few Ernaldori kings, all Colymar kings live in Ernaldorilands. By tradition, the Ernalda position on the tribal ring goes to a member of the Ernaldori clan. Most clan chiefs of the Ernaldori have functioned as a member of the king's household, responsible for maintaining continuity between kings, supplying the king's household with much of their food (which is reimbursed by the tribe), and maintaining the many shrines and sacred places of the tribal cults.  

Others observe that the chief priestess of the Clearwine Earth Temple is the true power amongst the Ernaldori. Of course, the chief priestess is traditionally a member of the Ernaldori clan
(e.g., Queen Beneva Chan, Soradessa the Holy, etc). The Ernaldori
view a clan chief as good when he can form a strong ring with the tribal king and the chief priestess. It is common wisdom that a good chief is one who reaches out to the king and priestess, a bad chief is one who antagonizes king and priestess and a bad king is one who rejects the counsel of the chief.  

Since 1582, the Brandgorssons bloodline of the Ernaldori (your bloodline) have been dominant in clan affairs. After the death of the Orlmarthing king Kenstrel Hendsson (Gordangar's father) at the Battle of Grizzley Peak, Estavas Brandgorsson (Skovari's uncle) was chosen by the tribe as king of the Colymar. His brother Dangmet became chief of the Ernaldori. Their younger brother Dunorl became a thane of the House of Sartar and a sworn man of Prince Terasarin. When Estavos died in 1591, Dangmet Brandgorsson became king of the Colymar and chief of the Ernaldori. He maintained a close friendship with chief Jarstakos Hendsson of the Orlmarthing - brother of King Kenstrel Hendsson - and marryied his neice to Jarstakos' nephew, Gordangar Kenstrelsson. He ruled a royal seven years and died in 1598.  

Recent History  

In 1598, Jarstakos Hendsson of the Orlmarthing became king of the Colymar. Then disaster struck - in 1600, King Terasarin Tarkalorsson was killed by lunar sorcery and it was clear that a great war between Sartar and the Lunar Empire was coming. Upon Jarstakos' death at Runegate in 1602, the Colymar fyrd chose Orlkarth Lhankpentsson of the Taraling clan as king and followed him to Boldhome where the king and his warriors were killed by the Lunars. That same year, Lunar soldiers burnt down Clearwine. The tribe then chose Fistivos Gravar of the Hiording as king - he served but a year before he was killed by Telmori raiders. In 1603, Kallai Rockbuster of the Taraling clan - who was married to Beneva Chan of the Ernaldori (and who was chief priestess of the Clearwine Earth Temple) - was chosen as tribal king.  

Skovari Estavosson became chief of the Ernaldori clan in 1602, following the Disaster Year. The son and nephew of tribal kings, Skovari developed a close friendship with his cousin's husband, Gordangar Kenstrelsson of the Orlmarthing. Skovari is renowned for his ability to evaluate his clan's resources and despite the Lunar tribute, has stored up a significant grain surplus to protect his people from another Disaster Year. He is an initiate of Harst Allfather and Dar the Chief, and makes sacrifices to Vingkot
(although he is not an initiate).

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