Re: Niskis

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:35:00 +0100

>Hi Donald
>> Why did his wife marry him?
>He's the chief's son. Political reasons?

Her status is going to be fairly important. Is the marriage important for political reasons ? Or was he such a good catch for her (or rather her kin) that they were prepared to overlook his philandering ways.

>> What did her family have to say
>> about it? If he broke a promise to change she's entitled to
>> a divorce with his family losing the brideprice and having
>> to return her dowry.
>Of course, but she must catch him out. I have a feeling that
>Niskisi are adept at hiding their assignations!

I think that's right. I suspect that Orlanthi don't hold non-Orlanthi marriages as fully valid - so an unmarried Nisisi can seduce married foreign women without it counting as adultery. OTOH I don't think Niskisi tend to stick with one woman for long - I'd guess that a long-term affair would be harder to keep secret.

>You mean that you don't think it would be possible for them to have
>an affair?

It's generally difficult to keep an affair secret in a small community. If she lives in he same stead it would probably be impossible. Even if Niskisi are adept at hiding their affairs Vingans aren't likely to have the same skills.

>> I reckon the clan women are waiting
>> for his wife to kick up a fuss before making an example of him.
>> Not because Niskis is socially unacceptable but because of his
>> actions.
>So you reckon they are already onto him, giving the philanderer
>enough rope to hang himself, euphamistically speaking?

If he's protected politically it'd be wise to wait until there is a strong case against him. The chief isn't likely to rule against his son if he can find a shred of reasonable doubt.

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
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Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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