RE: Re: Digest Number 2246

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 06:58:32 +0100

> > I don't believe that it is odd because Gringle settled his followers
> > there but rather that there is something magical that causes strange
> > people to live there.
> >
> I more or less agree with Peter here.

Yes, as an adaptation to make an seriously obselete and out-of-sync module fit, that's a very good start indeed. Covers all sorts of things.  

> Temples are more often located on an intrinsically holy spot. It is
> very possible that this is the case for the Uleria temple at Apple
> Lane.

Having looked back through the thing, there's also a "temple to all deities" (??!!) - no chaos, but anything else goes. There's got to be some sort of generic weak spot to the Other Side here, or something.

And quite apart from the "pawn shop", the place is money-obsessed. Coinage. Some Issaries curse?

> And people will be coming here because you know
> some people will be desperate for something that they think Uleria
> can give them (this will be just as much women looking for fertility
> or love that Ernalda has not helped them achieve as it might be men,

>From the look of those initiation rites, that may have some odd results. The
new adults are introduced to the delights of sex by the Uleria staff - all of whom are female! All Apple Lane girls are brought up lesbian....

No, I don't have any sentimental attachment to the place at all, if you were wondering. It's one of the very few Gloranthan sources that I'd quite happily just wipe out all memory of. But if you really must perpetuate it, starting with "it's inherently weird, and sends everyone who lives there mad" is a good way to go.

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