Re: New to HeroQuest

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 20:23:19 -0000

Hi, Vlad:

Nick Brooke here.

The thing that did most to get me excited about the world of Glorantha
(rather than bits of it) was the "Cosmology and History" from the old
RuneQuest book "Cults of Terror". It's available on the Issaries, Inc. website in two parts, here:

It's a panoramic overview of how the world of Glorantha came to be, one that's never been beaten since.

(For odd and perhaps personal reasons, the magazine article that got
me most excited about playing in Glorantha came towards the end of this piece from "Different Worlds" #26: "Dwarf Lore"

... because of the mixture of bizarre ideas, role-playing tips and game-mastering strategies it suggests. Once you've understood what Greg-as-Tostig was doing, gaming in Glorantha becomes much easier).

Of course I'll recommend "HeroQuest Voices" and "Lokarnos" as well (I would, wouldn't I? :-), but if you're looking for somewhere manageable to start, the Cosmology and History are a great first reference.

Cheers, Nick

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