Re: Multiple Initiation

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 15:55:16 -0500

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>
> > Can a Heortling woman be an initiate of Ernalda and of the Lunar Cult
> > the Seven Sisters?
> >
> > Unusual yes. Is it impossible?
>It's not impossible.

I should probably just let this go, but this seems contradictory to some things that you've said earlier. It's probably just my misunderstanding. But, generally, there seemed to be two problems. The first, the social one, I think we're laying aside here, all agreeing that this is at least socially difficult and rare to unknown in practice (especially for characters other than PCs), but we're considering the odd case where somehow the social barriers are overcome.

The second objection you seemed to have previously was that the gods being from different religions were opposed to each other, and as such would never allow their feats to be used by somebody who worshipped a being outside of the religion. In fact, as you clarified recently, the definition of a religion seems to be less about the otherworld that the majority belongs to, but instead the collection of beings that will allow their abilities to be used if the player worships nobody outside that collection.

Now, my first misunderstanding could be in the above. Do I have it right? Is the definition of religion important in terms of what beings will give power to what worshippers?

Second, it could simply be that Ernalda is allowed under the Lunar Way. But that would seem to be an interesting position, with her straddling the line between religions. Unless there is a Lunar Ernalda, and a Heortling Ernalda? Is it just that some beings are conciliatory, and will accept worship from those in more than one religion, and are, in turn, allowed to be worshipped by the beings of more than one religion?

It seems to me we covered this with the Esrolian Ernalda vs the Orlanthi Ernalda potentially, but if so forgive me as I've forgotten.


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