RE: Lunar CM not cyclical?

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:02:28 -0500

>From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_...>

> > (Presumably there are *also* some Lunar common magics, which
> > would be cyclical. But there might not be many, and they
> > might be fairly obscure.)
>Aren't these the standard 7 moms ones? Such as most of our Lunar PCs seem
>end up with?

Well, first, I think that Lunar PCs aren't supposed to end up with 7 Moms CM in many cases. They're Common Magic, and listed in the write up as being the sorta "beginners" Lunar religion. Rather, that's not quite accurate, but I get the feeling it's what they teach the provincials. So, sure if you're a Lunar from Sartar or Tarsh, or the other provinces. But most others I'd think would have other CM. Like the Dara Happans have all sorts of their own Common Magic that I think is acceptable to those Lunarized.

Anyhow, that said, I think you're right - they sound like "Lunes" (as Rory puts it), or some sort of "associated with the Lunar Otherworld" common magic to me. As opposed to those Dara Happan common magic ways, which are probably not.


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