Re: ILHB2: Holy Days

From: Kevin P. McDonald <kpmcdona_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 17:51:31 -0500

Giorgio writes:

>Hello and thank you not knowing it I placed a holy festivity in spring period as the blessing of the corn before planting it into the fields...
>I am not sure how can I now fix the official material with what is my
>campaign... any suggestion?

You are not alone! The bloody *planting* ritual of the HonEel cult at the *spring* equinox was a major event in my current HeroQuest game. My story needed it to be in the spring, though, and I am not sure how I would have dealt with an autumnal blood-letting. Fortunately, it really doesn't matter to me (much) what the official word is. My Glorantha Varies as much or more than anyone's. After all, it is MY Glorantha and I am quite happy with it the way it is.

My players are unlikely to discover the discrepancy anyway, and even if they did I am sure I could come up with something to explain it. "Oh, yeah, that was the centennial of the Satrap's clan coming to power in Oraya, so the HonEel cult performed TWO blood lettings, to enrich the Satrap and enhance the magical potency of his celebration year." A flexible approach to the truth is the best friend of politicians and HeroQuest narrators everywhere. ;)

~Kevin McD

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