Re: Lunar Occupation of Sartar

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 04:20:26 -0000

> (I'm being somewhat serious now) I've always been a fan of the Lunar
> Empire farming out elements of more dubious enterprise, whether in
> tax-farming, pogrom-farming or inquisition-farming.

YGWV, but I doubt the Lunars have anything even resembling the Inquisition. Orlanth worship is not heresy that needs to be investigated - it is rebellion against political authority. Like Suetonius Paulus at Mona, I think the extent of Lunar inquisition is to go to major Orlanth ritual and attack the worshippers. Obvious temples are likely ritually closed or burnt.

In some places, the Lunars have even tolerated public Orlanth worship, as long as it is done by friendly priests. For instance, I think that the Lunars initially permitted Prince Temertain to preside over tradition Orlanthi ceremonies (until the fiasco on Urox's High Holy Day persuaded the prince that such ceremonies are too dangerous). Similarly, in Pavis, Orlanth worship is tolerated under a friendly priest.

Remember - the Lunar mythological conflict with Orlanth is very different than the need of the Roman Catholic Church to maintain orthodoxy amongst its followers. The Lunars acknowledge Orlanth as a powerful god - they just believe that Orlanth must be defeated in order for the Red Moon to transform the world (or something like that). This involves suppressing the Orlanth cult - but more importantly, this will involve defeating Orlanth himself.


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