Re: Ernalda in Esrolia

From: Lightcastle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 19:42:08 -0500

Huh. So politically they are stressing these other husbands but *really* (well, *mythically really*) Orlanth is the important one.

Interesting. (I had no idea, I thought things far more different than that. A shame, really. I was rather fond of Ernalda the master manipulator.)


On Friday 23 December 2005 7:15 pm, Jeff Richard wrote:

> I'm sure Greg can answer for himself, but my take on it is that all
> the Orlanthi recognize that Ernalda has other husband protectors than
> Orlanth. Orlanth is the most mythically significant to Ernalda, even
> if his cult is not necessarily as politically, socially or culturally
> significant in Esrolia.

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