RE: Re: The Missionaries

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 08:41:06 -0000

> > As I was saying earlier, when asking why and how these people were
> > brain-damaged, how they'd survived the Darkness, and whether
> the "animal
> > instinct" bit had perhaps been a survival trait.
> Although that is surely a God Learner belief (I can just imagine the
> Malkioni pouring contempt on the non-Malkioni survivors of the
> Darkness), I don't think that the non-Lightbringer survivors of the
> Darkness were "brain-damaged". They just couldn't see or understand
> that the Great Darkness was over. I remember one story where they
> couldn't even see the Sun in the sky.

Exactly. Their brains were damaged. Or their eyes, though that seems unlikely. In this case, they'd lost the ability to understand and to learn - brains.

> Glorantha is a magical and mythical world - there is not always a
> material explanation for things.

Who said there was? So the likely cause of damage was magical, we knew that. "It's magic" is not an explanation, nor even the start of one.

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