Re: Next Glorantha books

From: Labrygon_at_...
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 23:29:15 EST

Here are my top 10:
  1. Theyalan Adventures - adventure as a Lightbringer in the Dawn Age, bringing the word of the Dawn to the benighted people of Peloria.
  2. Adventures in Ignorance - the quest of the exiled Dragon Kings to set the stars aright and find the Dragon Emperor. Heroes attempt to overthrow the False Dragon Ring in a Moneyesque journey through Ignorant Kingdoms.
  3. The Seven Voyages of Dormal - players take on the roles of the Hero and his followers.
  4. Serve the Machine - work routines among the Mostali.
  5. The Founding of the City of Pavis - players take the roles of leaders and heroes in the era of Pavis, Flintnail,. Delecti and Lord Labrygon.
  6. The Founding of Pavis Outside the Walls - players take onthe role of Dorasors kinsmen and allies.
  7. The Inhuman Occupation - following the assassination of the Third Council leaders, players take the roles of stitched beasts and monsters who escape from the Cutters Zoo and wreck their revenge fighting the Golden Horde from the north and Praxians fromthe east, eventually summoning Dragons to feast.
  8. Grotaronpak
  9. Into Grotaron Land
  10. Grotaron expanson kit
  11. Players Guide to Grotarons
  12. Grotarons vs. Nasobemes
  13. My Life Among the Grotarons


> 1. Duckpak
> 2. Heortland, Esvular and God Forgot detailed
> 3. More on the West
> 4. Prax book
> 5. Pent & The Wastes
> 6. Teshnos
> 7. Kralorela
> 8. A guide to the Dragon's Eye
> 9. Palmatela
> 10. An EWF sourcebook on history, society, and what remains

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