
From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:20:18 -0700

> From: Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo <antalvarez1976_at_...>
asks about
> Subject: Loskalm

> -How do you deal with caste progression?

Officially, theswe are classes. A caste implies being locked into it, as among the Rokari.

> I'm not sure about it, but
> I have thought that Commoners can become Knights when they have 1W
> in three professional abilities, Knights can become Wizards when
> they have 10W in three chivalric virtues (you know, Brave, Pious,
> Just...) and Wizards may become Lords when they have 15W in three
> wisdom-like, knowledge or magical abilities. Of course, it would be
> a rules construct, not exactly representing the game world.

Of course, the issue would be passing a test, not just having the levels of knowledge. But as rules go, this is fine. I don't recal what the requirements are in Heroes of Malkion.

> -Is there any kind of inheritance or legacy of propiety or land
> propiety despite the meritocratic system?


> Who appoints the Lord of a
> region and what are the requisites?

The king appoints the highest offices, they have the responsibility to appoint those under them.

> -Sure, the Hrestoli Church has the "Abiding Book", but I think they
> have at least another scripture (e.g., the Rokari Church has
> Theoblanc's book).

Actually the Abiding Bok is NOT a major Loskalm scripture. Hrestol's religion was not based on it and precedes it by many centuries. When the Return to Rightness Crusade came to themainland with the Abiding Book as their guide they
attacked Loskalm. They conquered the land and set up their church and government, but were eventually defeated by old times who subsequently rejected
the Abiding Book in favor of their own old scriptures. Siglat's Dream is the most important single scripture, being the most recent and the one used to unify the kingdom during the Closing and Syndic's Ban.


Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
2140 Shattuck Ave., PMB #2030
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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