Re: Moon Design and updates

From: rjmeints_at_...
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 11:27:43 -0400

Hello all,  

As part of its license with Issaries, Moon Design is now responsible for the and related websites. Thus far, the web site has not been the main focus of most of our efforts. Getting publications into print is numero uno in priority. I have assembled a small team of advisers who are working with me to try and do several major overhauls of the site, but this will take some time to get done. It is my intention to have the site become far richer in features and content. Such things being evaluated and considered include news feeds, forums, wikis, better organization, better archives, etc. In short, we want to become THE gateway for all things related to Heroquest and Glorantha. Finding a way to do this elegantly, efficiently, and in a timely manner is a great challenge. If any of you have technical web related skills and would like to lend a hand, I would be more than happy to privately discuss with you how you could help the existing team.  

In the mean time, updates are still being made on the web site. Greg Stafford in particular is adding myths and info, including fan submitted material. Far more is in the works.  

If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see the website do, please privately email me. I would prefer to not turn this list into a "features" discussion. All feedback is welcome, but I do not want to spend a lot of time right now answering questions about "what are your plans" or "when will you do updates". Please respect that information will be shared when it is concrete and firmly scheduled. We all want to see Glorantha better supported.  

Hope that helps,
Rick Meints
Moon Design Publications

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