Re: Heort: The old Scots agains?

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 08:19:50 -0000

Hi Vlad

Well, being English I prefer to not to model my Heortlings on the scottish model - for example my Heortlings do not wear kilts. In fact nor do my Heortlings wander around with tattood faces and covered in woad. I reserve that as an indicator of the more extreme members of the society, the Devotee's of Orlanth Thunderous for example. Your Durev homesteader might have a couple of cult markings from his time in the adventurous cults but will otherwise be quite plain.

My Heortlings (YHWV?) I model on the late bronze/ early iron age Britons. Having said that fine hymn 'Sartar the Brave' is played to the tune of the more familiar Scotland the Brave, and I have no problem with that! In fact I like to sing it more than any other song I know! :^)

The colourings of my Heortlings are thus predominantly 60% dark hair, 30% red hair and 10% Blonde, with a pale skin.

I understand Greg see's them as Orange haired (ginger?) and dark skinned.

At cons and demo's I often describe Heortlings as 'Vikings without boats' if they are not familiar with Early Iron age British culture.

Best reagrds

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