Heort: The old Scots agains?

From: Vladimir de Saint André <v_saintandre_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 08:08:13 +0000 (GMT)

Hi folks!  

The question "what hooks your players" suggests this thought to me: when reading HQ, the whole stuff about Orlanthies, I have the impression to travel across Earth's Highlands, with William Wallace and the MacLeods. I know it's not just that but yet it tends to pollute my image of the universe and distract the grandiosity to limit it to some all-too-well know Scots - English feuds in some rainy Highland countryside. I guess I am under some bad influence but how do I get rid of it? What should I realize / read to free myself from this limitative, somewhat banal representation of the Heortling's world? Or if this is what the Heortling are, where should I settle my campaign to avoid this setting?  

I must say I am eager to discover the Heortling with the mind free of the Braveheart bagpipe corny old tune!  


NB: I lived in Scotland and had a wonderful time there.  

And there is a booklet full of information on Pavis in the second age:

"Rough Guide to Pavis City"

have a look at www.tradetalk. de



>My concern is that MRQ will be in the second age, and Issaries
>background material is in a later age, so it doesn't mesh. Or does

As I understand it things are quite different in the Second Age. Many of the cultures were around then but even they've changed over time. Most of the Second Age material I know of is historical background.

There is a HeroQuest article on Jrustela in Ye Book of Tentacles 6, which is just out. But until the MRQ Glorantha book is published you'll probably be short on background.

Tell me I'm the anchor of my own ascension,
Tell me I'm a tourist in the fourth dimension
REM "Animal"

Paul K.

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