Re: Gachi of Melib

From: Santo Sengupta <s.santo.sengupta_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:35:35 -0400

On 6/25/06, Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...> wrote:
Indeed, in fact, MGHV.

> > I've just realized that since they are Teshnan deities, their
> > magics would be a mixture of common magic spells, affinities
> > and spirits.
> This statement seems to imply that because a being is worshiped in
> Teshnos its magic would be different.
> Discounting misapplied worship, this assumption is not necessarily
> correct. Yes, if a god as worshipped by animists the method would
> probably be animist, i.e.-misapplied. And yes, beings often usurp
> local Common Magic as if it was theirs.
> However, just because an entity is from Teshnos does NOT imply that it
> will be worshipped with any/all methods of worship.

I have been using ILH2/Lunar-like magic for the Five Fiery Form Cults - Mystical Reverence that encompasses the different Worlds and Methods of Magic. Teshnans can concentrate their Life-Flame on one of the five Fiery Forms, and learn from any of their Form's Reverences without much of a problem.

For example, one of the Heroes is Raktim, Chosen of Furalor: Affinity: Funeral Pyre 17M(Create All Consuming Flame, End Flame, Cremate the Dead)

Affinity: Dead People: (Speak to the Dead, Smite Undead 12M, Sense Ghosts)

Spirit: Forgotten Thoughts(Remember the Forgotten, Forget the Known 19M2)

Grimoire: Lost Things 15M (Lose Known Thing, Find Hidden Thing, Hide Things)

Grimoire : Chal's Second Teaching: (Kindle Sacred Fire, Conduct Fire Sacrifice Ritual, Detect Foreign Sorcery, Heal Sorcerous Injury, Ward of Fire, Burn Away Sorcery, Summon Divine Fire Entity, Sense Life-Flame)

The Laws of Chal are part of every Reverence, but what one can learn from them is determined by one's Caste/Level of Consciousness. I see learning the Laws of Chal being somewhat analogous to ceremony of the Sacred Thread in Hinduism.

My only issue with this system is that I should come up with some penalty or drawback similar to the Lunar Cycle that would be applied to Teshnan Magic. I was considering having their magic be heavily influenced by the Calendar and Astrology, with lots of Auspicious/Inauspicious days.

And though I like Misapplied Worship as a Gloranthan concept, I'm not fond of its in-game execution, and have been working on some house rules for it.

> > Emilla would be closely associated with the Lopers, so his
> > magics will be about tending them and using their special
> > leaping powers in mounted combat.
> Is there a specific reference for the association of Lopers with
> Emilla? I do not recall this being so in canon.

There is no specific mention of this in Revealed Mythologies or G:ittHW. How the Zaranastangi befriended the Lopers and split off from the Artmali Blues is not detailed. I presumed that their worship of Emilla and Orfeda (in addition/instead of the Artmali Pantheon) was behind their magical steeds. If Emilla is another name for Mastakos, it could see how the teleporting Lopers would be associated with him.

"Aum Shanti Shanti Shantih."

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