Re: Gachi of Melib

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:11:50 -0700

> I've just realized that since they are Teshnan deities, their
> magics would be a mixture of common magic spells, affinities
> and spirits.

This statement seems to imply that because a being is worshiped in Teshnos its magic would be different.
Discounting misapplied worship, this assumption is not necessarily correct. Yes, if a god as worshipped by animists the method would probably be animist, i.e.-misapplied. And yes, beings often usurp local Common Magic as if it was theirs.
However, just because an entity is from Teshnos does NOT imply that it will be worshipped with any/all methods of worship.

> Emilla would be closely associated with the Lopers, so his
> magics will be about tending them and using their special
> leaping powers in mounted combat.

Is there a specific reference for the association of Lopers with Emilla? I do not recall this being so in canon.

> Orfeda's magics will be best about wisdom (The word "anile"
> on which the name Annilla seems to be based refers to
> "old women" often in a demented sense). So a social basis
> for the cult of Orfeda will be about aged oracles sprouting
> incoherent wisdom.

Whereas YGWV is always true, the supposed origins of this word are fallacious.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Shattuck AVe, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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