More Lagerwater Tales

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 14:03:14 +1000

"For the Rain it Raineth Every Day" - More Tales of Lagerwater Stead

Gedday folks,

Continuing my elaboration of Far Place campaign themes, I am posting a new series of Lagerwater Tales.

Lagerwater stead is my longtime campaign base. These continue an occasional series of scenic vignettes, created for background colour, scenario hooks, to provide hints of greater mystery, and to bring Far Walker myth and legend into everyday campaign life.

The newest tales include the true story of the duckboards, a description of the Lagertarn and the dread power that lurks beneath, and - because, on another, less-polite, list, David Cake expressed a fascination with trollkin crutching - the story of why enlo were first accepted at Lagerwater, and why it wasn't such a good idea. (And yes, there's a fertile mystery at the heart of it).

I'll post the stories in full to the Digest, but for ease of reference, you can download the entire series for reading or printing from

This file also contains a number of earlier vignettes: Harmony Lodge, The Yelmalians, The Stead By Night, and Exile 1614. You can read an RTF (Rich Text Format) file in any

Please enjoy


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