Re: Re: Is There Another Way?

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:21:09 +1000

>PS: I always suspected Mark of being a force for darkness what with
>his 'ruski' affinity, but I am suprised at Ian!!! :^D

I've always suspected Ian's inner evil - I know from long (CoC) experience anyone being so positive and gracious on the surface must be a cult member fronting for Trans-Cosmic-Meta-Evil. With Tentacles. (TM). (No, not Haliburton...) I bet kittens regularly disappear from his neighbourhood, and wet slurpy sounds erupt from the sewers by night.

Mark's evil is transitory and bound to the epoch - with the coming triumph of the Proletariat and End of History, all that was once Dark will be proclaimed as Light. Comrade. Errr Citizen.

All Hail, whatever.


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