Re: Re: Sheer Luxury ...

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 22:01:08 -0700

> (fortunately we had already
> > invented fire by that time, otherwise we'd have had a hard time of
> it).
> >
> You had fire?!?!

It was brand new, and we weren't sure if it would catch on, but we had it. I was an Early Implementor, having connections on the Fire Invention Team. Boy, I can tell you that the Beta version of Fire was nothing like you've got now! It was really buggy (so called because it attracted all sorts of flying nasties - giant misquitoes, foot-long centipedes, leeches...) - flaring up to singe your eyebrows one instant, then sputtering out the next (we called that the "Black Screen of Death"). We must have gone through about 10 iterations just trying to get it to stay lit. The day we didn't have to relight it for an hour was a major day for us, I'll tell you! Tech support sucked too - "Have you tried to give it only dry twigs?" "Did you try to do a hard relight?" "Well, acording to the head shaman, this shouldn't be happening, are you sure it died?"

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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