Intelligent Animals

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:00:04 +1000

At 12:40 AM 11/09/06, Philippe wrote:

> >
>John, I was quite excited by your description of Ontos-Na here some
>years ago. I'm glad to see your site has many new pages. But the links from
>seem all broken.
>Do I do something wrong? I'd _love_ to read more about your world.

Creating a world takes time. :) My seven days have passed, but still no rest. On reflection, it was presumptuous of me to put the skeleton web site up so early - it was as much an incentive for me to get the basic description finished, an incentive that clearly failed. :( Oh well... We're having lots of fun with Ontolosna and its many Kut, those bright journeys on the back of the World Bird, but surprisingly basic facts about the world are still being revealled to me: just last week I realised a stationary sun means highly developed mirror signalling. Heck, Greg's been at at it 40 years. I will get back to updating the web site soon. Thanks for your interest and encouragement. :)

Apart from Baboons in Prax, do we have any exemple of talking monkeys in Glorantha?

As a design note, you can count on about one in a hundred animals having what we used to call non-fixed INT, and some will have communication skills of a high order, or other magical abilities. These will be animal deity priests and shamans, or perhaps animal heroes.

And of course, some of those Praxian baboons were once recruited to the Lunar army in a particularly addled pan-species experiment that shows just how DESPERATE the Lunars in Prax really are. I've tracked one such unit over the years, a highly trained team of Ballistarii, and surprisingly they keep getting transferred. Further West. Regularly. My last sighting was in Tarsh. Who knows where other units might have ended up. :)



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