Re: too many forums--damn right.

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 17:19:49 +0100 (BST)

> > Wouldn't it be nice if could become
> the source for the
> > equivalent of all these:
> Yes, it would!

So one single part-time webmaster who has a real-life job as well would have the responsibility of keeping all that lot going, and providing the server power for the purpose? I suspect not. Yes, it would be nice, but it doesn't sound even close to being realistic. I'd be delighted to be contradicted, but you're talking serious computer time here.

>Of course, some lists (like Engiziland) are on-going
> email games, not really
> blogs or "information" lists.

And there are dozens more like it (I'm in another three or four), many with attached Wikis.

> And you've missed out on some others, like
> GloryGeeks and Trollball...

And Whitewall and Wilmskirk and Kheldon (more location-specific ones?) and GloranthanCookery and the convention ones and the board-game ones....                 

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