RE: Lunar Navy in Karse?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:52:42 -0700

> But, the whole point of capturing Corflu as I
> nuderstood it was for trade. Sea trade requires ships.
> So someone around there had ships and was using them.

Of course there was, but it was the sea-going peoples who had the ships. Corflu wasn't a ship-building place. It was a place that ships came to and unloaded.
Or at least, that's what the Lunars thought. Look at Biturina Varosh's report about how miserable the market was. The only worthwhile thing to come ashore was Gunda scouting out the port to see about plundering it.
It wasn't even good for trade.
Hence the effort to do the hard thing, after all, and take Karse and other ports in Kethaela.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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