Re: On Dwarves and the North of Sartar

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:44:12 -0700

> My main questions are whether there is much of a known Dwarf presence
> in the North of Sartar outside of Dwarf Run. (IT seems not, which
> seems to suit fine, but I am curious if there are some other known
> bits in GAG.)

Dwarf Run is a known outpost for the oddly friendly dwarves, but even they rarely venture outside.
The other known site is the Hat, in the Rockwoodss, but they are evenmore secretive.

> Also, I know travel times were discussed before. Was any conclusion
> reached on general travel times in Storm Season in the Donalf
> flats/Alda Chur region? Obviously, I can always make it as long as I
> want, but what IS a reasonable travel rate for 4 people on horseback
> travelling at a steady clip? A basic figure I could work off of would
> be helpful in setting the feel.

20-30 miles a day is not a bad clip, bu the problem in the Storm Season would be the weather. It is still winter, and although Storm Season has relatively erratic weather compared to the socked in snows of Darkness, it is still downright cold, snowy and windy. So THAT would be he problem--getting lost in a blizzard, snow impairing travel, etc.


Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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