Re: On Dwarves and the North of Sartar

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:23:24 +0200 (CEST)

>> Dwarf Run is a known outpost for the oddly friendly dwarves, but even
>> they rarely venture outside.
>> The other known site is the Hat, in the Rockwoodss, but they are
>> evenmore secretive.

> Ahh, that's good to know. I was hoping they would have more than one
> "obvious" place to try, so that they can argue about where to go. :-)

> (I'll have to go look at a map to see which is nearer.)

Dwarf Hat is a surface outpost of Greatway. IMO there are tunnels between Greatway and Dwarf Run, which may surface anywhere in between, too (hence the jolanti presence).

However, the (remaining) connecting tunnels probably run further to the west - Ginijji aka Snake Pipe Hollow is a huge cave-in around a barely sealed chaos void (visit the Snake Pipe Hollow scenario...), and further east Cliffhome and subterranean area belongs to Cragspider's trolls. To the west, the Aramites aka Tusk Riders rule the surface.

Unless you have quite advanced heroes, Dwarf Run appears to be the more accessible of the dwarf colonies.

> Of course, these dwarves seem decidedly unfriendly from what they have
> experienced, so which they think is the "appropriate" place to go will
> be interesting.

The way I judge Mostali, they could easily go to the wrong place, be made to squirm and pay extra reparations, and still receive a visit by iron dwarf musketeers and grenadeers with lots of mineral monsters coming along.

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