RE: Eastern Islands: jungle, monkeys, temple and Extended Contests

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 15:37:29 -0600

>From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
>Do you have any ideas of events that could happen ?

Looks like you've got it pretty well in hand, actually. But some temple ideas:

What sort of temple is it? Some daimones bring some temple elements to life. Statues? Think guardians here. Is the temple currently in use? There's always the guards. If it's not in use, maybe they're undead.

Traps, traps and damn traps. Use all the cliches. Poison darts. Pits to leap, and others hidden, some with spears tipped with rotted stuff. Walls that close in. Quicksand.

Crocodile filled pools. Vines to climb. Collapsing masonry. Ancient curses.

Secret doors!

Go back and grab your old D&D modules. I find that using the old stuff with HQ breathes new life into the old hoary routine of dungeons.


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