Re: Survival and Exhaustion

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 13:41:48 -0600

>From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
>I could insert an 'endurance scene' : "hours pass, then a day and
>another night. Monkey cries and mosquitoes never stop, nor the heat. And
>now, it's monsoon time, again. Roll for endurance, against a TN of

Sure, you have to make it sensible for the action at hand. It's also not important to roll for that sort of thing unless the outcome penalty would be likely to be important. If they're just going to bed, then why bother?

>Ah, no one mentioned rain, did you?

Rain? In a rainforest? Probably never happens.


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