Re: Weapon Advantage

From: Ian Young <ian.d.young_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 18:43:12 -0000

Mike Holmes wrote:

> Or both.
> Try this sometime. Buy a powerful magic item as a sidekick. Then
> give it all of the abilities it should have to represent it.

That is nifty, especially for an explicitly magical device, and I *will* try it some time. I like the philosophical divide for historical settings where, say, someone holds a religious artifact. As an ability, that artifact provides a definitive in-game bonus, but while the character may attribute that bonus to its divine power, the player may attribute the bonus to increased morale or superstitious hysteria. Ultimately, it's six of one, half dozen of the other, but it's just a neat way that HeroQuest can model real life situations plausibly.

By the way, your Blood Axe example reminds me of the Stormbringer Test that I sometimes apply to games to see how well they can model magical weapons. It's a lot like the Green Lantern Test that some people apply to superhero games. My first thought was that your example would be great for creating an Elric character with a Stormbringer sidekick. Then I realised that perhaps a more fitting application would be to create a Stormbringer character with an Elric sidekick.



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