Re: Some Parameters for HeroQuesting

From: Roderick Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 09:16:21 -0800


> Station 11, where Yelm and Orlanth combine to beat up
> Chaos. On the mundane, we have the Sartarite Sun
> Domers changing sides because the Lunars used chaos
> magic, and beating up the sorcerors who used it. It
> fits, I think: but I'm not at all sure about the
> timing.

I actually wouldn't worry about timing too much - remember that the LBQ takes place "before Time", so *I* find it plausible that things might not happen in the described sequence, as long as they *do* get done.

To Kallyr, things may have appeared in the "correct" order, while to an outsider they are all mixed up - we're talking major mythic adventures, here, with what seems to be a trip to the Real Hell and a real Goddess, so the observable events get mixed up.

(I think all LBQs have to go to the Real Godplane, Sorcery Plane, and Hell, if you're actually going to bring back a person that has been gone for a long time - CA and other resurrecters don't have to go quite so far because their patients are still in the half-way stage between This Life and the Afterlife - that old RQ 7-day resurrection period)

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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