Re: Where to next?

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 13:01:23 -0000

Now that does sound interesting! It has potential tie-ins to both the forthcoming Western stuff and to Men of the Sea, since non-Malkioni sailors could be motivated to go and search for a lost treasure in/from Jrustela. The Abiding Book is one of those Artefacts that will be a lure for both the devout montheists, looking for purely spiritual benefit, and the more worldly, hoping to use it to assure the primacy of their church. As a founding principle of the God- s empire it will also be prized or feared by sorcerors who hope to emulate them, and all those who fear anyone getting their hands on that sort of power. Lots of potentially interesting conflicting goals for a bunch of PC's there, then!

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