Re: Re: Magificent Manors & Tatty Taverns

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 07:16:17 +0100 (BST)

> Hello Alison
> this is not Ingo, but Andr�, but i was in charge as
> co-editor for this so i
> will answer your questions.
> Some of the plans are based upon real world
> buildings, but most of the were
> made up, BUT are realistic.
> That was the major intend of the original publishers
> when they made the
> booklet for the german market: get plans usable for
> RPGs, but realistic ones!

This does sound good. Will they be available as PDFs, or some other electronic format? I'm sure the hard-copy is very nice, but since all my gaming is done on-line, hard-copy's a bit difficult to show to the players.

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