Let's show rather than tell (was Re: Preparing for play, how I do it)

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 18:18:10 -0000

Jane Williams:
> The HQ Voices description of them (Googled as being
> here:
> http://www.btinternet.com/~nick_brooke/voices/hqv_rathori.pdf
> ) shows one member as doubting whether their sleep had
> lasted any longer than usual: he grudgingly admits
> that since the planets seem to be in the wrong place,
> *something* odd must have happened.

"The planets" would be Entekos/Moskalf, and perhaps Lokarnos. Uleria/Mastakos and Lightfore are clockwork planets giving a quite exact planetary clock on clear nights. The Southpath is supposed to move in unpredictable ways to anyone but Yuthuppan-schooled astronomers.

>> Indeed it is. Did the people as a whole all wake up
>> at once? Did tribes wake 
>> up separtely, as the ban thawed out it pieces? Is
>> this pre or post-Harrek? 
>> (Should we avoid that question like the plague?)

> I suspect it's one question we can't avoid. Harrek
> will have been noticed.

Or rather the absence of the White Bear spirit.

> But the rest of it - I have no
> preferences, all options sound interesting. I don't
> (yet) know much about the background for them.

Basically, the wakeup situation will have half the Danubian city states extremely weakened compared to the pre-Ban situation, and the rest gone Lunar with a vengeance. Jonatela won't be too different for Rathori from what went on before. Erigia still is horse territory, but the aldryami might fume that they lost time in which to retaliate, or otherwise have prepared for the Ban to drop and start sowing.

The Kingdom of War may absorb some Rathori, but it doesn't seem to expand into the forest. IMO the Rathori are the least threatened Fronelan people WRT the Kingdom of War, apart from corrupting those that fight for it.

Internal politics should be the most interesting: Black Hralf the Weasel appears to have had united a sizeable portion of the Rathori and threatened the Loskalmi. Now he's gone, the Loskalmi have changed and are occupied with the Kingdom of War or too far away, and several charismatic leaders carve new dominions among the earlier awakers, then have later awakers join these.

I'm somewhat curious how bear-like (i.e. solitary, non-gregarious) Rathori society will turn out, or whether the Rathori will be closer to Finnish forest barbarians or coastal Saami (emphasizing fishing and seasonal hunting, including bear hunting as a main spiritual act, over following the reindeer herds), with a human society taking the bear mainly as totem.

I have a nagging fear to see an implementation of Disney's "Brother Bear"...

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