Re: Re: Telmori in Heroquest

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:45:19 -0500

Have to agree. I am pretty sure there are times it might not make sense to use something as a score. Mind you, nothing leaps to mind immediately. Things that are a binary on/off probably count. I think if you are going to use everything is an ability, though, you need to pay attention to situational modifiers very closely. For instance, if you really think the Telmori can't be damaged by normal weapons, then a high skill with swords and a named sword that isn't magical (but has an ability attached) should have a heavy situational modifier against it if used purely to try and wound or kill. (And less if the hero is doing something more creative with their skills.)

On Saturday 12 January 2008 7:21 pm, ttrotsky2 wrote:
> > Agreed, I think that's always the way to go in HQ.
> Hmmm... no, not 'always', I don't think - some things really should be
> impossible. 'Almost always', perhaps...

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