Re: Re:Gamers percieved issues with HQ/HW - a sample

From: Lawrence Whitaker <lawrence.whitaker_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:12:44 +0100

> Pavis will have a story arc where you start as a
> new character and get involved in a LOT of stuff. And believe me, it
> is exactly the sort of stuff you would want to have a Pavis story arc
> cover.

Plus, we're looking at Pavis with fresh eyes and developing themes (some small, some massive) that are hinted at in the original but never really developed - and then tying them into the story arc Jeff mentions. The intention is to get a Pavis that you can feel, smell and relate to, along with a sense of what Pavis *really* is, where its been and where its going, whilst still using it as the basis for your own campaigns.

2008/6/24 Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>:

> > Has it actually been printed yet? While I'd desperately like to see
> > it in print (the pdf is grand, but I'd love to hold it in my hands!),
> > if HQ2.0 is more or less in the can, is there any chance that a couple
> > of pages of conversions page to 2.0 could be tacked on to the back?
> > (Or, at the risk of more delays or never seeing it come
> > out....actually revised for 2.0?)
> We might at some point have some updated numbers, but as David
> observed backwards compatability for the HQ scenarios and adventures
> is not really much of a problem. Most of the scenarios were actually
> written in a matter more appropriate to HQ 2.0 than HW/HQ.
> Now Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribe do need to be updated for HQ 2.0 -
> AND that is exactly what Neil, Ian and I are doing.
> > - A lot of what was put out for HW and HQ v1 strikes me as things
> > you'd run as your second, or third, or seventy-ninth,
> > campaign/characters. Take Barbarian Adventures, for example. There
> > was a number of adventures highlighting the Heortling culture, but the
> > biggest arc was the one where the characters accompany a group of
> > healers. That was a great way to show another side of the
> > Heortlings....but is that really where many people would want to
> > _start_ their exploration of being a Heortling?
> I agree completely. Pavis will have a story arc where you start as a
> new character and get involved in a LOT of stuff. And believe me, it
> is exactly the sort of stuff you would want to have a Pavis story arc
> cover.
> Jeff

One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel
And the next its rolling over me...

Rush - 'Far Cry'

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